Cultivating Community Is Our Top Priority

Here are just some of the events we offer our membership to create lasting connections


Weekly Meetings

Every week our members meet on campus to discuss skills and techniques, offer encouragement and advice on current projects, and create friendships that extend beyond the classroom.

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Concerts and Creative Collaborations

Every semester we find ways to feature the creative contributions of our members and also to give them opportunities to collaborate with other artists in complimentary fields.


Annual Athena Film Festival

Every year, our members make the trip to NYC for the Athena Film Festival, created to feature and uplift women filmmakers and artists.


Joint Meetings with Women in Motion

We regularly join forces with our sisters studying at filmmaking at Emerson College for mixers, masterclasses, and collaborations.


Skype Interviews

We regularly host skype interviews with experts in the filmmaking community to speak with our members to learn from their years of wisdom and experience.


Social Events

Our members regularly hang-out outside of formal events including ice cream socials or movie and game nights, which strengthen community and leads to our members supporting each other long after their collegiate years.